You are one step closer to learning how to Skip Your Next Heart Attack.
This is your five-day journey to understand if you are protected from a heart attack (be it your first or your second). Understanding and improving your heart health with this cutting-edge approach will also improve your energy and your future. "Skip Your Next Heart Attack"
5 - Day Challenge
Your Heart And Cardiac Clarity
What is the science behind and the source of cardiovascular disease & heart attacks? Understand what cardiovascular disease is and how and why a heart attack occurs. If you have had an evaluation for heart attack risk or cardiovascular disease, your evaluation may have been inaccurate or incomplete. The Heart Clarity complete test profile is like having your very own magic goggles that allow you to see into the future.
You can get the tests you want and need to know if there is a heart attack in your future; and more importantly, know how to create a different future, free of heart attack interruption. Start with a comprehensive evaluation and in just four moves you can reduce your risk of a heart attack by more than 80%.
Your Heart And Cardiac Care Plan
What are ALL of YOUR specific root causes and contributors to heart attack? Now that you have your test results that reveal what is going on inside your body, you can create your customized care plan. No two care plans are exactly alike.
Get a heart care plan customized exactly for you. This lays out exactly what you need to do to optimally lessen your chance of a heart attack to live an optimized life!
You get an easy to follow plan just for you.
Your Heart And Cardiac Cafe
What do you need to eat to protect your heart from heart attack and live your entire life with a strong, healthy heart? Understand the difference between “Heart Attack on a Plate” and “Heart Health on a Plate”
What diet is best for you? Plant-based versus Meat-based? What about Carbs? Keto? Intermittent Fasting? Learn how to make your daily nutrition simply delicious, enjoyable, and healthy (for your heart, brain, and body).
Your Heart And The Cardiac Code
You are now ready to apply for the Cardiac Code. Using the clarity from your test results, customized care plan, and your new knowledge of the food to eat, let’s add the bio-hacking secrets collectively called the Cardiac Code. This powerful protocol is a “cheat code” and is the key to creating the fit body, energy, and future you desire. Using the Cardiac Code you can take your life to the next level, and live life to the fullest for a very long time.
CHALLENGE – DAY 5 Your Heart And Cardiac Confidence
Let’s put it all together today so you can know whether you are headed toward a heart attack or have eliminated your risks.
You can have peace of mind, sleep well at night, and have a skip in your step every day, knowing you are taking great care of your heart. Life is blissful with with Cardiac Confidence.
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