The City of Maryville utilizes certain social media platforms to provide citizens with information about City programs and services. Rules of Engagement / Terms of Service This government agency social media site serves as a source of notifications and information. We encourage discussion and varying viewpoints, however, the city of Maryville will not feature certain content. User-generated posts will be rejected or removed (if possible) when the content: • contains obscenity or material that appeals to the prurient interest • is adult-oriented in nature or not suitable for all ages, harmful or frightening to children • contains personal identifying information or sensitive personal information • contains offensive terms that target protected classes • is hostile, threatening, harassing or discriminatory • incites or promotes violence or illegal activities • contains information that reasonably could compromise individual or public safety • advertises or promotes a commercial product or service, or any entity or individual, that is not affiliated with the city of Maryville • programs or events not officially sponsored by the city of Maryville • solicitation for donations • promotes or endorses political campaigns or candidates • is off-subject or out of context • is false or misleading • is otherwise found to be inappropriate
400 East Broadway Avenue, Maryville, TN 37804, USA
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